The Leadership Journey Podcast: Iain Provan on the cuckoos in our nest

Iain Provan is a retired professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College in Vancouver where he worked for twenty-five years. He is the author of several books and his most recent offering is Cuckoos in our Nest: Truth and Lies about Being Human which was published earlier this year.

In our conversation we talk about Iain’s own story, from growing up in Scotland, and spend time talking about some of the ideas in the book.

The book essentially presents a biblical theology of what it means to be human, teasing out some of the implications of this, for example as they relate to wealth or creation care, and identifying some of the cuckoos, or false ways of thinking that have found their way into the Christian nest.

This is the first of a couple of podcasts on a similar theme as the next episode will consist of an interview with Jo Frost and Peter Lynas from the Evangelical Alliance, talking about their new book (set for release next week), Being Human.

For more from Iain, visit his website, where you will find information about his writing and other teaching.

One thought on “The Leadership Journey Podcast: Iain Provan on the cuckoos in our nest

  1. Dear Alan
    I’ve been listening to and enjoying the podcast for several years now. I thought the interview with Iain Provan was particularly inspiring, but it did remind me that your interviewees are predominantly what Iain called professional Christians – people in what we have called ‘full time ministry’. Iain mentioned the breadth of the Christian life, the fact that our faith informs every aspect of life and consequently has huge implications for whatever we do, ie in every area of human activity. When you asked him to elaborate you mentioned leading worship or preaching. It would be good to hear from Christians leading in other areas- in education, law, politics, media, business, healthcare, environment care, scientific research, academia, agriculture etc, etc. there are many Christians in these areas whose identity is first and foremost as a Christian, who view their work through a biblical lens and who see themselves as advancing the Kingdom in the area they have been called to. I’m sure younger Christians in the foothills of their careers would find it inspiring.
    Thanks and best wishes. John Kyle

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