The Leadership Journey Podcast: Justin Irving on Organisational Leadership

The guest on this episode of the podcast is Justin Irving. Justin is Professor of Leadership at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky and his new book, Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations: Creating Contexts Where People Flourish, is set for publication this month. Previously, along with Mark Strauss, he wrote Leadership in Christian Perspective: Mark Strauss joined me on the podcast four years ago to talk about the book.

Justin’s new book focusses on the work of organisational leaders, what he describes as ‘the thirty-thousand-foot-level of leadership’. Such leaders are still required to pay attention to how they lead individuals, but they also lead at a level that requires them to pay attention to the big picture. Behind the book are insights from a survey that was carried out among over two hundred leaders.

In our conversation we spend some time talking about the book and some of the ideas it covers, but Justin also talks about his own story: how he has been shaped, and what he has learned along the way.

The book’s official launch date is Tuesday 19th December in the US and as a Kindle e-book in the UK: you will have to wait another two months to get your hands on a paper copy here.

That’s all for the podcast for 2023. If you have been following along – or even just dipping in from time to time, thanks for listening, and may you have a wonderful Christmas!

The Leadership Journey Podcast: Paul Williams

Paul Williams is the Chief Executive of the Bible Society, a charity dedicated to making the message available to everyone. Previously he has worked in business in London and has taught at Regent College in Vancouver, where he is Research Professor of Marketplace Theology and Leadership. He is the executive producer of Reframe, a resource that aims to help Christians see how the gospel reframes all of life.

Paul is also the author of Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World. The book is the fruit of years of reflection and challenges Christians to engage missionally in the world. The late Tim Keller had this to say about the book:

“This book comes at a most important time, when orthodox Protestant believers in particular are struggling. In some ways it is the age-old problem of how to relate Christianity to culture, but in other ways we are faced with some unique challenges–namely, how to engage not merely a pre-Christian or a non-Christian but a post-Christian society. Williams’s book helps us avoid the twin dangers of being too at home in or too withdrawn from our culture. We are exiles, but exiles on mission. Highly recommended.”

In our conversation Paul talks about some of the ideas behind the book and we also spend some time exploring Paul’s leadership journey, from his earliest interest in the Bible through a developing path that has brought him to his current role with the Bible Society.

The book is available from the Bible Society; if you live in Northern Ireland you can get a copy from ICM Books or the Evangelical Bookshop, and there are various online options for ordering, as well as a Kindle version.

There is one more podcast episode planned for 2023: I will be talking to author and seminary professor Justin Irving about his new book, Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations: it’s filled with helpful ideas for leaders of churches and Christian organisations or businesses.